The Magic Chicken is a delightful, vaudevillian family show created by Theatre Beating. Arthur produced the revamped and remounted show that toured NZ in 2012 and has since been booked to tour throughout Australia where it will be performed at the prestigious Sydney Opera House.
Between 2004 and 2006 The Magic Chicken was created and performed by Theatre Beating. The company comprises Trygve Wakenshaw, Barnie Duncan and Geoff Pinfield. Geoff now produces the show from his base in Melbourne. The Magic Chicken is an exceptionally fine theatre work and should be seen by anyone who adores great theatre and who is between the ages of three and one hundred and three!" - Theatreview. “CATCH THEM ON YOUR DOORSTEP BEFORE YOU HAVE TO QUEUE FOR AN EXPENSIVE TICKET ON A COLD BLEAK DAY IN PARIS.” - EXPRESS MAGAZINE. |